Meet our Founder


Hello I am Dr Shalette Ashman. Founder of The LearningHub Cognitive Center. I hold a BSc. in Business, a MBA in Business, a MSc in Composition, Rhetoric and Digital Media, an Educational Specialist degree (EdS) and a PhD in Computing Technology in Education. My passion and expertise is in designing and implementing systems to aid children to optimise their performance. Since 1995, I have served the education sector in a variety of roles such as classroom teacher, trainer consultant, university lecturer, elearning developer and brain training coach.

Coaching individuals with learning differences marked by working memory deficits is important to my mission. Here at The LearningHub Cognitive Center we provide practical solutions to evaluate individuals and help them achieve their goals. Click here to review my research on “The Effect of Computerized Cognitive Training on the Working Memory and Mathematics Achievement of Low Achiever.”

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